Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

As the new year has started, I keep reading articles and finding new information online about vegan people, ideas, recipes and more. I am finding so much great information, and feeling so inspired that it makes me teary sometimes. I am a very emotional person, so even just reading a headline about someone changing their health can make my throat burn with rising emotion. Silly girl!

I have resolutions, as most of us do, to be healthier and better with my life. I am finding that I eat way too much sugar, and that is affecting my whole self: mood, weight, other habits, and my health. I started cutting it out majorly, I used to drink a lot of soda and eat cookies, a donut, or a small piece of cake nearly every day. How crazy is that?? I am trying to convince myself only to enjoy these things in small amounts, on special occasions. I know that completely cutting my favorite foods out of my life will only make me unhappy and gorge on them in secrecy, so I am going to set goals to reach and treat myself to a small special treat. If enough time goes by, I may not even want them anymore. I used to drink Red Bull a lot, then I just stopped, "cold turkey." I knew that if I had one once in a while, it would make me just want them more and more, so after saying, "I quit!" I didn't have one again, until I let myself taste one about 2 months after quitting. One sip, and I wasn't interested in any more. Good thing it wasn't mine, or I would have wasted money!

I think I can follow this plan this time, too. I am going to treat myself well, and keep myself happy and positive this year. A lot of changes have happened through my family in the past 2 months, and I know that there is something positive coming soon. I just have to keep working hard, keeping my eyes set on some good goals, and staying strong to reach them.

My first goal is to not eat any sugary treats until my birthday, then to allow myself some strawberry rhubarb pie. I made some for Thanksgiving and loved it, so that is my special treat. I may allow myself some soda or something, but I am waiting to see how I feel. If I have rid my body of the cravings for it, then I will just let it go.

I have been struggling with myself a lot lately, feeling like I am not at my optimum, not where I want to be. I have a main goal for the year, --To do everything 100%-- I don't want to set a goal, only to give up on myself. That seems like a waste of breath, telling myself I want something then not really trying to get it. I only feel let down when I am not able to accomplish the goals I set for myself, so they will be attainable goals with meaning. I will be able to accomplish what I want, and to feel GREAT about it, so it will keep me moving along. I am excited to start living life to the fullest!

Happy New Year, my friends! I look forward to sharing more with you this year, and helping you reach your goals, any way I can. Whether it's through healthy recipes, positive goals, affirmations, or support, I will be here, just ask.

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