Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Main Squeeze - V

This is the best dish...I could eat it every day! I love it so much, I am going to call it "My Main Squeeze". Don't tell the hubby!
It evolved from tofu scramble. One day while making it, I thought, "Hey, why not add some grains to this by throwing some of that leftover bulgur in there?" and it was yummy. The texure that the bulgur adds is so fun.

My Main Squeeze

-1-2 tbsp oil. I usually use extra virgin olive oil, but it is kind of pricey, so you can use any oil you like.
-Veggies! About 2 cups, chopped up. It can be anything you like. For the specific dish here, I have zucchini, mushrooms, carrot, celery, broccolini, green onion, the big leaves are some smaller leaves of collard greens, radishes, a yellow beet, and I added in some leeks after I took the picture. So, anything goes! Get crazy! (Yellow beets?!)
-1/2 a package (about 7 ounces) of firm tofu.
-1/2 a package of tempeh (about 4 ounces, this can be ommitted. It just adds more protein and texture!)
-1 cup dry bulgur (optional, but if you really want to try it and can't find any, ask me, and I will send you some!) Brown rice or couscous would work well, too.
-1 tbsp mirin (found in the Asian food aisle)
-1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
-1 tbsp red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar
-Chopped cilantro for garnish - it makes it taste even better!
-Gomasio for garnish (optional)

Bring 1 1/2 cups of salted water to a boil. Pour in the bulgur, remove from heat, and cover with a lid. Let sit for about 20 minutes, or until the water is all soaked up.

Heat the oil in a pan on medium heat. Start adding veggies that will take longer to cook, like carrots, onions, celery, garlic, etc, and continue adding all the veggies to the pan. Once they are all coated with a little oil and cooking, add some water. I don't like to use a lot of oil to cook, so I like to add in water to help. It steams the veggies, and cuts down on fat. Place a lid on the pan, and let the veggies steam a little. After about 5 minutes of cooking, add the soy sauce, mirin, and vinegar. Stir the veggies, and cover the pan again, and let cook for another minute. Add the tofu, tempeh and bulgur. Stir well, and if the pan is getting too dry, add a little more water. Replace the lid and let the flavors all cook together for a few more minutes.

Serve with chopped cilantro and gomasio. Yum!

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